Ed Asner, Winner of Seven Emmys and Star of ‘Mary Tyler Moore Show’ and Pixar’s ‘Up,’ Has Died


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Photo “Ed Asner” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.






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7 Thoughts to “Ed Asner, Winner of Seven Emmys and Star of ‘Mary Tyler Moore Show’ and Pixar’s ‘Up,’ Has Died”

  1. william delzell

    The far Right who attacks Asner’s politics are the REAL lousy citizens! Asner was a far more decent person than the Tea Party crowd who trashes him.

  2. Bob Marsh

    I was never a fan of Asner. He was just an old communist to me. He would have been the comrade citizen who would have ordered your death by firing squad or years in the gulag.

  3. Tim Price

    Sadly, I am not saddened by his death. Like so many in Hollywood, he let politics rule his life.

    1. William Delzell

      Just like you let RIGHT-wing politics rule your life!

      1. Tim Price

        Just like you let left wing politics rule yours?

  4. 83ragtop50

    Good actor. Lousy citizen.

  5. William Delzell

    I will miss Ed Asner. He had the guts during the eighties to denounce the so-called “freedom fighters” a.k.a. the Contras for their major role in distributing Crack to the U.S.’s low-income neighborhoods that spurred the crime wave. He exposed how Ronald and Nancy Reagan’s so-called war on drugs was really a war on poor people. Had the Reagans been really serious about a war on drugs, they never would have supported the Contras, but would have targeted them for jail as the MAJOR crack-dealer as well as for the Contras’ other horrible crimes: child-molesting; mass murder; torture; and plunder of peasant land in Nicaragua. Keep the faith, Ed! We need more people like you to stand up to the traitors who want to take over our country!
